Inspired Thousands of Life.


Mr.BALIRAM RAJAK is the founder of RAJAK FOUNDATION , a dynamic youth is probably – the best Network Marketing Trainer and Motivational speaker of the Economic Capital of Country – Mumbai,India. Baliram is the powerful speaker trained by international business coach Prof. Basu Mali (NFNLP,USA). Through his unique technique of hitting the core of Network Marketing business, making fellow members and matching pairs – the most called for thing in Network Marketing industry.

Attending Baliram’s speech is an extraordinary experience. He is in Network Marketing , then for him only sky is the limit.

Baliram – shows path in such a way and injects inspiration, motivation that that person doesn’t have to chase the success but success follows him. Which has changed lives of thousands—

A very lucid, attractive, full of activities, comprehensive, most sought for course.


What We Do

Baliram Rajak provides dynamic, engaging, and uplifting speeches that inspire individuals to reach their full potential. We believe that motivation is the key to success, and we aim to provide you with the inspiration you need to take action and achieve your dreams.


Our Approach

We believe that success is a collaborative effort, and we aim to connect individuals with like-minded people who share their goals and aspirations. We offer networking opportunities and collaborative events that allow individuals to share ideas, gain insights, and build valuable relationships.


Our Mission

Our mission is to help individuals live their best lives by empowering them to achieve their full potential. We believe that with the right mindset, skills, and support, anyone can overcome obstacles and achieve their dreams.


Corporate Trainings

Seminars Abroad

Global Awards


Baliram Rajak Mission is to inspire and empower individuals to reach their full potential in both their personal and professional lives. Through effective communication, practical guidance, and proven strategies, a motivational speaker and business coach aim to help people develop the skills, confidence, and mindset necessary to achieve their goals and create a fulfilling life.

Venture & Growth

  1. Provide actionable strategies for personal and professional growth, such as effective communication, time management, and goal-setting techniques.
  2. Encourage individuals to embrace their strengths, overcome their fears and limitations, and adopt a positive mindset that supports success.
  3. Foster a supportive and collaborative environment that encourages networking, learning, and personal development.
  4. Help individuals develop leadership skills that enable them to inspire and motivate others.
  5. Provide guidance and advice on entrepreneurship, business strategy, and marketing to help individuals achieve success in their business ventures.

Our Office

Office No.6B Ground Floor NBC Complex near IDBI Bank & opp. Railway Station Sector-11 cbd Belapur Navi Mumbai Maharashtra- 400614

Contact Us

(+91) 937-2639-865

Office Hours

Monday: 10am – 7pm

Tuesday: 10am – 7pm

Wednessday: 10am – 7pm

Thursday: 10am – 7pm

Friday: 10am – 7pm

Saturday: 10am – 7pm

Sunday: Closed

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